John Gatto is a New York City teacher of many years and an author of a few eductional books. He was a true education advocate, he understood the importance of teaching children in and outside of school which he stressed in Why Schools Dont Educate.
After reading this paper, it really had me thing about how often I allow my son to explore the world around him. It is clear that the public schools system here in Georgia are limiting in their education tacticts yearly. Cutting funding for schools, have enlarged class sizes, cut field trips, and limited classes like arts, music, and other extra curricular activities. Gatto pointed out that based on the amount of time children are in class and when they get home, the amount of television they are allowed to watch cuts into the actual time kids have left each day to just be kids. Its seems that kid now a days might be less well rounded then their parents and their parent's parents and this is a problem, People need to be able to adapt to all situation and circumstances, but if they are not given the opportunity to as children, it is a possibility they will grow up lacking the basic life tools to be productive and successful. Gatto really opened up my mind to the amount of television my child was watching and how he needs to get out more and just enjoy his life as a child.
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