Education doesnt come cheap. Everyone in American knows this. But with modern society's emphsis on higher education in order to get a better job and to make more money to take care of yourself and your family. But with education prices rising people are forced to take out huge loans which is nothing but huge debts and right now our country can not take anymore debts like this.
Elizabeth Medina uses a lot of facts and statistics to make her point int he writing. She makes the point that cutting higher education budgeting would affect students, faculty, and staff. Education has taken a big enough hit here in Georgia and our law makers need to have that in mind every time they try to cut money. Georgia students wont measure up to other students from other states if we keep cutting education. They are fully aware of that bu they seem to pretend that they don't notice it.
I know that Georgia is in debt as many other states are, but we need to do what we can to continue to educate our citizens so that we can be ones to help create new businesses and generate revenue for the state.
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