Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paper Mills

In " Free Online Paper Mills", the author, Michelle Vu, searched two different website that offered to "write" a students paper for them at a cost. The two sites were Custom Writings and eCheats, and though both site looked different they bother offered the same thing; plagiarized essay papers. Surprisingly enough, both sites try to avoid blame by writing that these essays should be used for paraphrasing and should also be listed on a student's work cited page, to insure they are not braking any rules. But all that sounds like is a cop out.
All student learn early  in their school careers that turning in a paper, that was not written by he or she is considered plagiarism...period! whether a person paid for it or not, and a person found to be using one of these custom papers should be punished.

1 comment:

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