Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paper Mills

In " Free Online Paper Mills", the author, Michelle Vu, searched two different website that offered to "write" a students paper for them at a cost. The two sites were Custom Writings and eCheats, and though both site looked different they bother offered the same thing; plagiarized essay papers. Surprisingly enough, both sites try to avoid blame by writing that these essays should be used for paraphrasing and should also be listed on a student's work cited page, to insure they are not braking any rules. But all that sounds like is a cop out.
All student learn early  in their school careers that turning in a paper, that was not written by he or she is considered plagiarism...period! whether a person paid for it or not, and a person found to be using one of these custom papers should be punished.

Robotic Surgery... The Future is Now

After reading Jacqueline Owen's "Robotic Surgery" it made me view the robotic movement in medicine differently.  In the writing the author talked about the advantages and disadvantages of  the use of robotic surgeries today.
Siding with Owen, we too believe that the advantages of robotic surgery far out weigh the disadvantages. Just cutting down on the recovery time to us is a large advantage. It is commonly known that just because someone make it out of surgery, that sometime due to complications during recovery can lead to a person becoming sicker or even dying.  Less pain for the patient will also insure a more speedy and comfortable recovery and that is important.
yes, there are disadvantages to the use of robots in the operating room, but these same advantages also coincide with those of a human surgeon. No one person or thing is without faults or the ability to make a mistake or malfunction if you will. But if there is a way to minimize the overall cost of a surgical procedure for a patient, while also minimizing the patients recovery time, I do not understand why more hospital are not doing all they can do to make sure these robots are available in their hospitals.