Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why Write When You Can Buy?

In the reading Free Essay Websites: A Convenient Way to Plagiarize by Katie Hindman , the author wrote about the wave of custom essay writing sites available to students today online and whether or not buying an essay from one of these site is actually considered plagiarism. The essay compared two different websites that both sold these "custom written essays" and the writer dissected the two, showing their similarity as well as their differences. How the layout of the site and the language of writing  was used to make the inquirer more comfortable with maybe deciding to purchase a paper. 

Writing essays is a very important part of college, not one student can avoid them. With this, it is common knowledge that people, since the beginning of time, have cheated their way through a lot of things and college is no different. If there is a way for some people to avoid hard work in life they will use it. Websites like the ones described are one of the methods lazy people use to make it out of college and its basically just not ok. College is not  mandatory, so when a person decided to attend after graduating high school, they should be in the position to give it their all. Laziness is not and should never be tolerated in the college atmosphere.  Those individuals who would rely on a website or even another individual to write a paper that is suppose to demonstrate "their personal" acquired knowledge of a certain subject have no place in college. Granted, there are a lot of people who have extremely busy lives and feel like that they could benefit from a service like this. Some students might have complete knowledge of the subject being written upon and could regurgitate it successfully if tested, but due to their schedules, feel like essay websites would be used as a convenience only.  But it is still wrong. Plagiarism in our society is frowned upon, and so,  if a essay is not 100% your own written words, then it cheating and just plain unacceptable.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Arguing in Community"

"A new study says some obese people who are generally healthy live just as long as their slim counterparts... and are happier than people who struggle with diets."

Over the years society has changed its opinion on what is "average" and what is "healthy". Recently a study published by York University has given us food for thought on the subject of weight in relation to health. A common assumption is that if you are overweight, you must be unhealthy. As we begin to feel like we are in the throws of an obesity epidemic, we must stop and evaluate our tendency to make sweeping generalizations. This study celebrates our individuality, without stereotyping any one group based on arbitrary averages.